FID Licences

The Specialised Information Service Middle East, North Africa and Islamic Studies provides access to electronic products such as databases, e-books and e-journals that are subject to licensing.

Depending on the demand and the licence agreement, these products are available to a subject-specific circle of users or to all German research institutions as a national licence.

Watch our video tutorial to find out more about FID licences and how you can use them to your advantage. (Only available in German.)

Current Trials

These products are provided for a limited period of time to be evaluated by the academic community. We need your feedback as a mandate, for or against the acquisition of a permanent license.

    There are no trial licences currently available.

Time-limited Licences

    There are no time-limited licences currently available.

Licenced Products

These products are made available on a permanent basis or as a subscription by the Specialised Information Service Middle East, North Africa and Islamic Studies.

E-Book Collections

  • Al Manhal Islamic Studies E-Book Collection

    We have licensed the "Islamic Studies E-Book Collection" of the Arabic provider Al Manhal for German research. The collection includes 2,035 e-books about Islamic law, Islamic studies and Islamic theology mainly written in Arabic. ...
  • Al Manhal: Language & Literature and Classical Literature

    We have licensed two new e-book collection from the provider Al Manhal. The collections contain over 2,600 e-books, mostly in Arabic. The ...
  • Miras Maktoob

    Works on Islamic History and Culture The e-book collection comprises 248 volumes (189 works) of editions of literary works and essays on Iranian cultural history dating back to as early as the 10th century. ...
  • Al Manhal EBA E-Book Collection

    This collection was created through evidence-based acquisition - an acquisition tactic that uses usage statistics to select titles from a large pool of titles ...

Newspapers and Journals

  • Muslims of the Soviet East

    Soviet Propaganda Journal on the Role of Muslims in the USSR The journal was quarterly published by the "Muslim Religious Board for Central Asia and Kazakhstan" from 1974 ...
  • Middle Eastern and North African Newspapers

    Arabic Newspapers from the MENA Region The digital newspaper archive offers an insight into the turbulent history of the countries of the Middle East and North Africa. ...
  • Kavkaz

    The newspaper Kavkaz (Caucasus) was published during 1846-1918. It was the first Russian-language newspaper in the Caucasus, published in Tiflis (Tbilisi), Georgia. ...
  • Afghan Serials Collection

    Rare Newspapers and Journals from Afghanistan The Afghan Serials Collection is anessential collection of partisan serials from the Wahdat Library, the most comprehensive ...
  • Russian Islamic Studies

    Topical Russian newpspapers and academic journals on Islam ...

Source Material, Databases and Tools

  • Social Movements, Elections, Ephemera

    Election related material from the countries of the former Soviet Union The collection "Social Movements, Elections, Ephemera" provides an extensive pool of primary sources on elections and political movements in the countries of the former Soviet Union ...
  • Central Asia, Persia and Afghanistan, 1834-1922: From Silk Road to Soviet Rule‎

    Sources from The National Archives, UK The collection contains documents from the British National Archives on the history of Persia, Central Asia and Afghanistan. These range from correspondence or protocols to ...
  • Confidential Print: Middle East, 1839-1969

    Sources from The National Archives, UK The collection contains documents from the British National Archive on the history of the Middle East and North Africa. These range from single-page letters or telegrams to comprehensive ...
  • LexiQamus

    Ottoman Turkish Word Solver LexiQamus is an online tool that can help to identify illegible words from Ottoman Turkish texts. ...
  • The History of Afghanistan Online

    History of Afghanistan The most important history of Afghanistan ever written (originally written in Persian), Siraǧ al-tawārīḫ or The History of Afghanistan. It ...
  • Encyclopedia of Turkic Languages and Linguistics

    Encyclopedia of Turkic Languages and Linguistics The Encyclopedia of Turkic Languages and Linguistics (publisher Brill) is a comprehensive reference work ...

Closed Trial Accesses

These offers were already available for testing, but have not (yet) been licensed. You can still send us your feedback.

  • E-Marefa

    The database provider has opened its complete site for the circle of users of our Specialized Information Service for 2 months. E-Marefa includes topics such as Middle East Studies, Maghreb Studies, Islamic Studies and Arabic Language or the Palestinian Affairs and the Arab-Israeli Conflict. ...
  • Al-Ahram

    Digital Archive of the Egyptian Newspaper The archive contains all available issues of the important and influential newspaper from Egypt from 1876 - 2019. ...
  • Cumhuriyet

    Digital Archive of the Influential Turkish Daily Newspaper The archive includes all available issues from 1924 – 1929 in Ottoman and from 1930 – 2020 in Turkish. ...
  • Sezgin Online

    Sezgin Online consists of volumes 1-9 of Fuat Sezgin's renowned Geschichte des arabischen Schrifttums (GAS), the largest and most modern bio-bibliography ...
  • Al Manhal EBA-Model

    The Arabic provider Al Manhal 's EBA model is our attempt at a new form of digital acquisition that enables targeted acquisition based on usage statistics. The collection comprises over 12,000 e-books ...
  • Muteferriqa

    Muteferriqa is a discovery portal for printed Ottoman Turkish documents. Published by Miletos, Muteferriqa is intended to provide a simplified entry point ...
  • Hebrew, Judeo-Arabic, and Marathi Jewish Printing in India Online

    The Valmadonna collection of Hebrew and Jewish books from India is a unique and unparalleled resource provided by Brill ...
  • Noorlib

    Database of Iranian E-Books With its text-image database Noorlib the Computer Research Center of Islamic Sciences (CRCIS) in Iran provides specialized literature in the field of Islamic studies. ...
  • Noormags

    Database of Iranian Journals Noor Specialized Magazines offers digitized versions of specialized journals concerning Islamic studies, social sciences and the humanities. ...
  • Dar Almandumah

    Full Text Database for Arabic Academic Publications Dar Almandumah is a database for journals, conferences and dissertations from all Arab countries. It provides access to almost one million articles in the fields of humanities, economics and education. ...
  • The Shangoda Collections from Dagestan

    Middle Eastern Manuscripts 150 manuscripts that form the collection of Rafi’ Shamghudi (1863-1932), a famous scholar and bibliophile from Shangoda, a town in central Dagestan. ...
  • World Religion Database

    Statistics on Religions in all Countries of the World Source materials from censuses, surveys, and best estimates provide a comprehensive picture of international religious demographics. ...
  • Afghan Central Press

    Newspapers from Afghanisten The digital archives of 4 newspapers originating from Kabul are available for testing. Among them, three were published in Pershian/Pushto and one in English. The issues are mainly from the second half of the 20th century. ...
  • İdealonline

    Trial Access to Turkish E-Book Collection We have agreed a trial access for our circle of users with the Turkish database provider İdealonline. Go to İdealonline Access for users of the University of Duisburg-Essen here. ...
  • Turcademy- Evaluation of a Turkish E-Book Collection

    The Specialized Information Service Middle East, North Africa and Islamic Studies provides test access to the Turkish e-book database "Turcademy" in the category "Social and Humanities Sciences". ...

Licence Services

  • User Circle Types of the FID Licences

    (Deutsch) Der Fachinformationsdienst Nahost-, Nordafrika- und Islamstudien erwirbt Zugriffsrechte auf kostenpflichtige Online-Angebote für verschiedene wissenschaftliche Nutzergruppen. Dabei wird das Ziel verfolgt, diesen ...
  • Acquisition Request

    Is there a book, a journal or access to a database not yet available in Germany? Please make a acquisition request. ...
  • Feedback on FID Licenses

    The feedback from the academic community helps us to decide for or against the acquisition of digital licences. Please let us know what you think about the trials or the products we have already purchased. ...