Open Access: Faḍl al-iʿtizāl wa-ṭabaqāt al-muʿtazila

Biblio­theca Isla­mica Volume 55

Book Cover: Faḍl al-iʿtizāl wa-ṭabaqāt al-muʿtazilaThis edition of three early texts on the Muʿtazila is now available on our open access repository MENAdoc.

It was written by eminent members of that move­ment that eluci­date its history and the main tenets and prin­ci­ples. This edition was prepared by Fouad Sayyid who had been a member of the Egyp­tian scho­larly mission to Yemen in 1952.

This is a born-digital version with full text in Arabic. The book was published by the Orient Institut Beirut together with the Klaus Schwarz Verlag in 2017.