New in Open Access: „Histoire des Juifs de Turquie“

The History of the Jews in Turkey

Now digitized and freely available in open access:

“Histoire des Juifs de Turquie” in 9 volumes by Avram Galanti.

The work compiles all of the Turkish author’s important French-language writings on Jewish life in the Ottoman Empire and Turkey. Galanti’s research looks at Judaism from the Byzantine period to the first half of the 20th century.

All volumes on MENAdoc

This open access publication on MENAdoc is brought to you through our cooperation with the publishing house Isis Press Istanbul.

Avram Galanti (1873 – 1961) was a Turkish university lecturer, journalist, politician, and philosopher of Jewish faith. He produced almost sixty books and essays. Among them were important research works on Ottoman Jews, Turkish-Jewish relations, Jewish culture and history, and Turkish culture.